Les Cabanes de Marie treehouses are situated in Ogens in Gros-de-Vaud region at 30min drive from Lausanne. We spend a night at this enchanting place where you feel like a forest adventurer. There are 3 treehouses and one caravan room available, a sauna, a place with food, drinks, beers, wines..you can also pre-order a dinner such as picnic basket or fondue . We spent time hanging out around the place, discovering a pond, looking at animals, walking across a river, and spending time on the terrace. @lescabanesdemarie #treehouses#vaud#suisse
Best Hospitality Experiences, Vaud
Les Cabanes de Marie (Vaud) | Best hotels and B&B, Switzerland
October 17, 2019
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Jenny and Sylvain
Jenny and Sylvain are a Swiss couple living near Vevey both holding a Bachelor in Tourism Management. Jenny is the Travel Writer and Presenter and is working as Social Media Manager for a e-commerce platform. Sylvain is the Travel Videographer and Photographer and is working as Designer in a Creative Agency in Lausanne.
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Jenny and Sylvain
Jenny and Sylvain are a Swiss couple living near Vevey both holding a Bachelor in Tourism Management. Jenny is the Travel Writer and Presenter and is working as Social Media Manager for a e-commerce platform. Sylvain is the Travel Videographer and Photographer and is working as Designer in a Creative Agency in Lausanne.
We are two Swiss locals

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