Discover the SWISS BOATS PARADE 2017 on the Lake Geneva

→ A timelapse travel video created by Sylvain Botter and Jenny Gehrig ←

This video presents a boat choreography on a Swiss Lake with a soft and happy “tone”.


Bündner Träumli, Schottisch von Trio Eugster


Jenny and Sylvain

Jenny and Sylvain are a Swiss couple living near Vevey both holding a Bachelor in Tourism Management. Jenny is the Travel Writer and Presenter and is working as Social Media Manager for a e-commerce platform. Sylvain is the Travel Videographer and Photographer and is working as Designer in a Creative Agency in Lausanne.

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Jenny and Sylvain

Jenny and Sylvain are a Swiss couple living near Vevey both holding a Bachelor in Tourism Management. Jenny is the Travel Writer and Presenter and is working as Social Media Manager for a e-commerce platform. Sylvain is the Travel Videographer and Photographer and is working as Designer in a Creative Agency in Lausanne.

We are two Swiss locals

Label swiss made